
December 21 Board Action

December 20, 2023


Central Platte NRD Board to Fill Subdistrict 8 Seat in Hall County

Alicia Haussler, Director of the Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD), submitted her resignation at the CPNRD’s Board meeting on Thursday. Haussler is moving and is no longer eligible to serve in the Subdistrict 8 area. Alicia was appointed to the Board in 1997 to replace Christine Peterson and served until 2004. In 2007, she was elected, replacing Jim Foster and serving on the Central Platte NRD Board for a total of 23 years.  She has been an active member of the Programs, Eastern Projects, Water Resources, Water Utilization, Nomination & Budget committees. Alicia was elected Vice-Chairman from 1999 to 2002 and Chairman of the Board from 2003 to 2004.

Subdistrict 8 is located in northeastern Hall County in Grand Island. A map is available on the CPNRD website A Nominating Committee was elected to recommend candidates to be appointed to the Board which includes Ed Stoltenberg, Doug Reeves, Chuck Maser and Jerry Milner. Those interested in serving on the Board are encouraged to contact a member of the Nominating Committee and the CPNRD office at (308) 385-6282 for a detailed map to determine if they are located in Subdistrict 8.

Board Officer Nominating Committee  The Committee recommended Keith Ostermeier, of Grand Island, for Secretary, and Marvion Reichert, of Elm Creek, for Treasurer. Board officers may serve two, two-year terms. The election will be held at the January 25th Board of Directors meeting.

General Election  Central Platte NRD has 21 members on the board of directors who serve four-year terms, with two directors in each of the NRD’s 10 sub-districts and one at-large director.  Directors in the same sub-district are elected in alternate election years. The following incumbents are up for the upcoming election cycle and must file by February 15th. The non-incumbent deadline is March 1st.

Subdistrict       Director                                                             Sub-District Locations
Subdistrict 1    Jay Richeson, Gothenburg                            Custer, Dawson, Frontier
Subdistrict 2    Dwayne Margritz, Lexington                          Buffalo, Dawson
Subdistrict 3    Marvion Reichert, Elm Creek                         Buffalo, Dawson
Subdistrict 4    Ryan Kegley, Kearney                                    Buffalo, Hall
Subdistrict 5    Mike Wilkens, Gibbon                                     Buffalo
Subdistrict 6    Mick Reynolds, Wood River                           Hall
Subdistrict 7    Jerry Wiese, Grand Island                             Hall, Howard
Subdistrict 8    Todd Arends, Grand Island                          Hall
Subdistrict 9    Doug Reeves, Archer                                     Hall, Merrick, Nance, Platte, Polk, Hamilton
Subdistrict 10  Barry Obermiller, Grand Island                      Hall


Building Committee  Mick Reynolds reported that the Building Committee decided to delay bid letting for the Education/Office Building at the Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction site.

Water Utilization  The Water Utilization Committee recommended and the Board approved:
Violation Policy for Groundwater Use in Fully and Over Appropriated Areas: The Policy defines procedures for first, second, and third offense violations to take effect on July 1, 2024.
WaterSMART Grants:  Resolutions were approved to submit for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Water & Energy Efficiency and Small-Scale Water Efficiency grants. The projects will address irrigation efficiency on the three canals CPNRD partners with and meter approximately 100 wells to support COHYST data on average annual irrigation amounts in the CPNRD. The resolutions include:
* Small-Scale Water Efficiency Grant – Thirty-Mile Irrigation District Canal Efficiency Project
* Water & Energy Efficiency Grants (3) – Southside Irrigation District/Cozad Ditch Company Flow Measurement & Canal Efficiency Project and the Flowmeter, Telemetry & Data Management System Project

Instream Flow Rights  Brandi Flyr, Hydrologist, reported that CPNRD’s instream flow water rights are up for renewal. CPNRD received nine appropriation flow rights for wildlife habitat management on the Platte River by the former Nebraska Department of Water Resources in 1994 and are subject to renewal every 15 years.

Groundwater Levels  Luke Zakrzewski, GIS Image Analyst, reported on groundwater levels measured this fall. Of the 386 wells read from spring 2023 to fall 2023, 311 declined an average of 2.80 feet. Zakrzewski said the annual drawdown from the irrigation season was expected. Precipitation in the western area of the district aided in increases in 55 wells at an average of 3.44 feet. A fall-to-fall comparison of 377 wells read from 2022 to 2023 showed that 263 wells had declines averaging 1.52 feet. 114 wells increased an average of 1.48 feet. Fall readings are not used in groundwater management decisions.

Manager Report  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported the following:
-State Fair & Outdoor Learning Center:  Lyndon Vogt and Marcia Lee met with staff at the Raising Nebraska Building and agreed to an interactive display location for the newly drilled monitoring well information and additional Central Platte NRD information.
-Water Quality Violations:  Two individuals remain out of compliance with CPNRD’s Nitrogen Management Crop Reporting requirements. Tricia Dudley is in contact with both individuals and working on compliance.
-Source Water Protection:  NRCS approached several NRDs about a shared position to focus on promoting conservation practices within wellhead protection areas. CPNRD and NRCS office plan to contact individuals who have crop ground in these areas to make them aware of the program opportunities.

Assistant Manager Report  Jesse Mintken, Assistant Manager, provided updates on the following projects. The full report is available on CPNRD’s website at
* Elm-Turkey Creeks and Spring-Buffalo Creeks Watershed & Flood Prevention Operations Grants
* Lower Wood River Environmental Impact Statement
* Platte Valley Industrial Park
* Alda Crane Viewing Site
* Dam Rehabilitation
* Lower Loup/Central Platte NRD Cover Crop Study
* NRD App

Natural Resources Conservation Service  Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, reported on job vacancies within the CPNRD including: Secretary in the Lexington and Grand Island offices, Water Integration Specialist and Agronomist. Those interested in these positions may contact CPNRD at (308) 385-6282.

Nebraska Association of Resources District (NARD)  Deb VanMatre, CPNRD Representative, reported that NARD is seeking District interest in increasing contributions to the employee retirement 414(h) program to 6.5% employee contribution and 7% District contribution. The proposed rate must be approved by all 23 NRDs board of directors and the NARD Board.

Voting Delegates   The board elected Deb VanMatre, of Gibbon, as the CPNRD’s voting delegate and Jay Richeson, of Gothenburg, as alternate for the Nebraska Association of Resources District’s Legislative Conference to be held in January at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln, NE.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission (NRC)  Mick Reynolds, Middle Platte Basin Representative, reported that the NRC approved CPNRD to proceed with disposal of surplus fill material from the Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction project with 52.5% of the sale proceeds being returned to the Resources Development Fund. The fill material is available for public projects. Reynolds also reported that two appointments are open to serve on the NRC including Groundwater Irrigators and Public Power representatives. Those interested may apply for Executive Appointment by Governor Pillen at  The NRC authorized staff to proceed with the formal rules change process recommended by the Comprehensive Rules Committee. The NRC’s next meeting is scheduled for February 21, 2024.

Cost-Share  Applications for range seeding, center pivot incentive, tree planting, urban forestry, burn preparation and well decommissioning were approved totaling $45,966.65 through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and the Central Platte NRD cost-share programs.

Service Recognition Awards  The following service awards were presented:

  • 35 years:  Dan Clement, Water Resources Specialist and Deb Jarzynka, Secretary
  • 10 years with Central Platte NRD:  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager
  • Outgoing:  Alicia Haussler, 23 years as Director in Subdistrict 8
    Samantha Keith, 14 years as Secretary at the NRCS Field Office in Lexington
  • Maurice Kramer Award:  Duane Woodward, Hydrologist (retired), was presented with the Groundwater Achievement Award that was announced at the NWRA/NSIA Annual Conference in November.
  • Lead Ignitor Award:  David Carr was presented with the Lead Igniter Award that he received at the Nebraska Prescribed Fire Conference this month.
  • Educator of the Year:  Jack Hilgert, Nebraska State Forest, presented the Educator of the Year Award to Marcia Lee, Information/Education Specialist.

Upcoming Board Meetings  January 25, February 22, March 28
Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office located at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island, Nebraska