Office & Education Center Scheduled for Completion January 2026
Office/Education Building at Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction Site
In 2020, CPNRD started to explore the possibility of constructing an office and education center at the Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction site with potential costs and design of a new building complex reviewed. The Nebraska Natural Resources Commission approved the request to utilize the remaining $1.7 million designated for PSM through the Natural Resources Conservation Development Fund for an education center. With those funds and the projected sale of the NRD’s current facility, the Board decided to move forward to consider construction costs for future fiscal year budgets without increasing tax requirements for building purposes.
The education center will offer indoor and outdoor learning experiences, demonstrating the relationship between water, forests, grasslands and soil. The outdoor sites will provide hands-on learning opportunities that complement topics presented at the indoor learning center. These sites will feature wetlands, walking trails, windbreaks, pollinator habitats, irrigation and crop demonstrations, monitoring wells and other educational resources.
Project Updates
2020: Barber Appraisal of Phillips, NE received $2,950 to appraise the CPNRD buildings and shops.
2021: Potential costs/design of a new building complex reviewed. An educational component with existing $1.7M available through the NRC Development Fund was pursued. The Commission approved the request to utilize the funds for an education center in October. With those funds and the projected sale of the NRD’s current facility, the Board voted to consider construction costs to future budgets without increasing tax requirements.
2022: Phases 2 and 3 architectural proposal was awarded to JEO not to exceed $225,000. Phase 2 included the schematic design to further develop the site plan, floor plan and overall building design; zoning/code requirements, site survey and geotechnical soils testing. Design drawings included: developed site plan layout, dimensioned floor plans, elevations, cross-sections and updated opinion of construction cost. Phase 3 included design of structural, mechanical and electrical engineering systems.
2023: JEO contract ($470,425) was approved to complete construction documents and bidding and negotiation. In August, a well was drilled at the site by Downey Drilling.
2024: The low bid from Rogge General Contractors Inc. of Lincoln was approved to build the office/education center for $13,473,000. Seven bids were received ranging from $13.47 to $15.29M. Based on the schematic design and design development, the building will be 20,000 square feet on the main level with a lower level to match. With the multi-year planning process, the NRD has funds available to begin construction, including nearly $4M expected from other sources. An Electric Power Service Agreement was approved for $166,170 with SPPD to build the necessary interconnection facilities to supply electric power and energy to the building. In September/October, Rogge General Contractors started earthwork, constructing an access road from Schauppsville Road, installing concrete stays electrical lines, and pouring concrete for basement walls. SPPD started installing electrical poles.
November: The Board approved Change Order #002 for the NRD’s new office and education center, totaling $186,150. The Change Order includes corrective work on bearing capacity soil, updated pricing for glass windows and doors, the addition of four steel beams, and the extension of 60 feet of concrete to Schauppsville Road. The Building Committee reviewed initial estimates to pave the remainder of 13th Street to the building. The Board will review and consider action on the paving quotes in December.